Groomingdales Registration Form

Terms and Conditions


Your dog’s health and welfare is paramount to us at Groomingdales. Should your dog show signs of fear or stress at anytime, we may have to adopt alternative strategies to alleviate this, which may require extra time and incur extra cost. Groomingdales will not force any procedure on your dog, therefore if your dog objects to any part of the groom, that part will not be performed. Price reductions will not be offered for incomplete grooms due to the dogs behaviour. Groomingdales will offer help/advice in an attempt to overcome your dogs fear to work towards a full groom.

Please keep us informed of any changes to your dogs health prior to the groom.  Please do NOT bring dogs for grooming who are exhibiting signs of ill health, have been recently neutered, or bitches that are in season. Please also do not bring your dogs for grooming if you or the person bringing and collecting are showing any of the signs of COVID 19.

The grooming of elderly dogs is undertaken entirely at the owners risk. Grooming may expose underlying skin or health problems that Groomingdales cannot be held liable for.

In the extremely rare event that an accident may occur or a medical condition arises, you authorise us to seek emergency veterinary treatment.

Groomingdales will charge £20 an hour extra, broken down into £5 for every 15 minutes to allow for any extra time taken to complete the groom.


We must be informed prior to your appointment of any previous history of biting or aggression. Muzzles will be used as a last resort, but will be used if necessary. We reserve the right to refuse to groom any dog if we believe it may cause injury to itself or ourselves. If a dog exhibits aggression or behaviour that we have not been informed of prior to the groom, the session will be stopped immediately and the full fee incurred. Your attention is drawn to the dangerous dogs act which holds owners liable for bites and Injuries.


Your dog must be fit, healthy and up to date with all necessary vaccinations, fully wormed and up to date with VET RECOMMENDED flea treatments. If you suspect that your dog is carrying fleas, you must contact Groomingdales with excess of 48 hours notice, to not incur a charge of the full groom price, to rearrange your appointments at such a time when your dog is fully free of fleas. If fleas are found, a non negotiable fee of £20 is charged to cover the costs of a complete de flea treatment to our studio and to cover the cleaning costs. You will need to collect your dog immediately and the cost of the full groom will also be charged. All further appointments that day will need to be cancelled, at a considerable loss to ourselves, so we ask that you please ensure that you do not send your dog into us with fleas.


Some breeds are more susceptible to matting, which if not maintained regularly, can become extremely painful for the dog when trying to remove. If removal of matts is likely to cause pain, then we will strongly recommend a full body clip and a manageable plan going forward to best look after your dogs coat. This will be done in compliance with The Animal Welfare Act 2006 ( Sec 5. – Animals are to be protected from pain, injury and suffering) This incurs extra charges due to time and extra wear and tear on equipment. 

In instances where the above is necessary, it can lead to skin irritation, expose pre-existing skin conditions and other conditions. On some breeds the coat may not grow back in the same manner, such as hotspots, sores, parasite infestation, urine and faeces scalding, fungal, bacterial and yeast infections. The client should also be aware that skin irritation and nicks might occur from the shaving process. Groomingdales will not be held liable for any problems caused from a complete clip off regardless of if requested by the customer or due to a matted or neglected coat. Groomingdales will charge £20 an hour extra, broken down into £5 for every 15 minutes extra to allow for this.  


Owners are requested not to feed their dogs in the 2 hours prior to their appointment and ensure their animals are toileted. A dog with a stomach full of food and a full bowel/bladder will find the grooming process very uncomfortable. We reserve the right to charge for the additional time and cleaning materials required in cleaning up after your dog.


All bookings will be subject to a £20 deposit to secure an appointment. The deposit can be either redeemed against the cost of the groom, or used as the booking fee for your next appointment. No appointment will be confirmed until the fee is received. This can be paid in person by popping into the studio at an agreed time, using the Pay Pal link below or via bank transfer. The fee is non refundable, if you choose to cancel your appointment within 48 hours, but you can transfer to another date/time provided at least 48 hours notice is given. We totally understand that emergencies happen and will always be understanding of this, but we ask you please, to keep your appointments wherever humanly possible.


All quoted prices are subject to:

The dogs coat is well maintained and free from matts. The dog is well behaved, shows no aggression and groomed at our recommended periods. The dog is not overweight or oversized for the breed. Any issues outside of this, will incur an extra charge of £5 for every £15 minutes.

Whilst we are happy to work with nervous/ timid dogs, these may also incur extra charges due to the extra time and handling skills required.

Payment must be made before or on collection of the dog. We accept cash or BACS.


Our appointment slots are timed to each individual dog, with a period of time to try and prevent any overlap. This ensures we are not rushing to complete your dog and complies with COVID procedures. The appointment time given, is the time we expect to admit you to the studio. If you are early for your appointment, we may not be in a position to grant you immediate access. Likewise if you are late we may have to refuse to groom your dog on that occasion.  Customers who are 20 minutes late will be deemed to be a ‘no show’ and charged the full appointment fee. If you are late collecting, then a sitting charge of £5 for every 15 minutes will be implemented.


Photographs will be taken of your dog before after or during it’s groom. We reserve the right to use these photographs in our marketing activities unless you notify us otherwise

Registation Form

Not to be with other dogs - Bitten - Sensitive Areas

All bookings will be subject to a £20 deposit to secure an appointment. The deposit can be either redeemed against the cost of the groom, or used as the booking fee for your next appointment. No appointment will be confirmed until the fee is received.

Groomingdales Deposit

Where is Groomingdales?

In Christchurch, Dorset, near the popular dog walking areas of St Bernard's Meadows, St Catherine's Hill and Hengistbury Head.

Contact us for an appointment